How to stop hair loss due to weight loss

Excessive hair loss from weight loss is due to a condition known as Telogen effluvium. 

weight loss

These conditions usually disrupt the hair cycle. The hair grows constantly for two years at the rate of half an inch in length per month before it enters the resting stage known as Telogen. The constant growth and regrowth of the hair are due to the fact that all the hair is always at a particular stage. About ten percent of your hair at any given time is in the resting stage, the old hair falls out leaving room for new ones to grow. All these are carried out during the resting stages. Telogen effluvium occurs when the ten percent of the hair at the resting stage begins to multiply causing the hair cycle to be thrown off balance. Hairs fall out fasters than the rate at which it grows, meaning the rate at which the hairs fall out is greater than the rate at which it grows back.

Hair loss can also occur after weight surgery when your body undergoes surgery, it can lead to physical stress on the body, which then signals to the hair follicle to go into the resting stage. This is due to the hormone; weight loss surgery can lead to a big change in the composition of the body. The hormones need time to catch-up, but hair loss due to weight surgery is usually temporary, you can expect your hair to start growing within 2-3 months, or it can be supplemented with vitamins to revitalize the hair.

Another important thing to note is that your hair needs calories to grow, subsequently, most people who are losing weight achieve it by restricting their calorie intake. When your hair is not getting enough calories for it to grow, it becomes stunted and the begins to fall off. When going to a weight-loss session, you should understand your calorie limit so that you can have an idea of what to eat and how much to eat, this way the hormones can be balanced. One important fact to note when you are trying to stop hair loss is that the hair is made up of protein. Protein is readily available in our daily diet. Don’t panic when you are experiencing hair loss during weight loss, you don’t have a problem with your hair neither is your hair follicle damaged, your body is just trying to adjust to change and reduction in calories. 

Ways to stop hair loss from weight gain

There are several ways to stop your hair from falling off after a weight-loss session. These steps help to return the hair back to Its normal cycle.

  1. Eat enough calories - While the reduction in calorie intake is understandable during weight loss, it must be at a level that won’t cause damage to your hair. When your calorie intake is too low, the body will not be able to support the growth of hair thereby resulting in the thinning of the hair. Since it has been established that hair falls off when it is not getting enough calories, as I said earlier, you can try to get the number of calories needed by your body that will support the growth of hair. According to, you can get the daily calorie needed by the body by multiplying your targeted weight by 10. This will give you the amount of calorie intake you need daily that will support your body and your hair.
  2. Eat a lot of protein - It has been established that the hair is made up of protein, it is necessary to eat food rich in protein content, especially during weight loss. The amount of proteins needed by the body differs from one person to another and it is based on factors like activity level and body weight. You can also determine the amount of protein needed by your body by using a food calculator. Seaweeds such as Nori and wakame are rich in protein and they have a high level of magnesium calcium, iodine, and essential fatty acid. Magnesium and calcium are needed for strong hair growth while fatty acid prevents the hair from breaking off at the root. An egg is a low-calorie diet but it is a good source of protein, biotin, and Sulphur which is essential for hair growth.
  3. Take mineral supplements and vitamins - One of the major causes of hair loss is malnutrition which is a result of dieting. The body is not getting enough nutrients from the food being consumed. Your supplement should include vitamin all A, B, C, D and E. it should also contain calcium, magnesium, zinc, and biotin. Biotin helps the hair to grow, furthermore, it helps the hair follicle to absorb vitamins especially vitamin B which is essential in the growth of hair.
  4. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables - Incorporate fruit and vegetables into your diet. Fruit such as watermelon, strawberries sesame seeds and garlic contains vitamins and minerals that are needed for growth by the hair. Watermelon contains calcium, magnesium, and selenium that provides nourishment for the hair follicle. It is also a natural DHT blocker that prevents a hormonal imbalance. Strawberries contain silica and vitamin C that help the hair to stay healthy, strong and prevent infections. Sesame seeds are a source of copper, zinc, Fatty acid and iron that helps prevent hair loss and regrow your hair. Garlic contains anti-bacterial agent, Sulphur and vitamin C that helps prevent hair loss. Eating fruit and vegetables will supply your hair with a nutrient that will strengthen it.
  5. Do regular and scalp treatment -Give your hair regular hair treatment. Massage your scalp with oils and avoid stressful situations.
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Sky Hoon
Hair Lover, Idea Starter. He started HairQueenie, which is ranked #27 in the FeedSpot Top 40 Hair Care Blogs and mentions in ManeAddicts and Tempest. Hair is not everything but something. He started Hairqueenie to share great hair products. Over time, he found there are more value to share answers to hair problems that cannot be found easily.
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